Wednesday, May 25, 2011

(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday - Senior Hottie Linkup


Really, with the hair, it needs no introduction.
 I lived in midwestern America and my sense of fashion was just like everyone else's at the time. 

the first and only time I wore a strapless dress. It was my date's favorite color

One of the pictures from my official senior photo session in the school cafeteria. Vests and long sleeved shirts buttoned all the way up with a statement pin were highly fashionable that year.  
This look is all over my yearbook. I loved the comedy-tragedy pin I had on in this picture

graduation night with my BFF. She is STILL my BFF too!

Linked up with  a Belle, a Bean, and a Chicago Dog here:


Party 2nite! Come to @TrueFemme 's #TrickorTweet Party & don't forget to visit her stop on the scavenger hunt!

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