Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saturday Six Meme

1. When was the last time you bought something for someone else, and what was it?
I bought a watch for my oldest daughter yesterday.

2. When was the last time you complimented someone, and what was their reaction?
I complemented my daughter's friend on her owl pajamas last night.

3. When was the last time you had to return a purchase to the store? What was it and why?
I don't remember!  But ask me in 2 weeks and I'm sure I will have an answer!

5. When was the last time you had to go to the doctor’s office?
I went to the doctor a few weeks ago for a checkup

6. When was the last time a stranger was kind to you?
a man held the door for me to go into the coffee shop this morning!


Judd Corizan said...

Hi -
I'm Judd Corizan. I host what I think are two of the best memes in the blogosphere. On Fridays, we do The Dating Profiles Meme ( We grab lines from profiles on sites like and allow you to give a snarky or humorous response. On Sundays we do Sunday Stealing ( where each week we rip of a great meme from someone's blog. we give full credit to the blogger and have had over 80 players on some weeks. A great Saturday meme (which is not mine) is Saturday 9 ( where Samantha Winters brings a new set of questions each week. She gets between 30-40 players each week.

You are officially invited to join in! Happy New Year!

Judd Corizan

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