Friday, February 19, 2010

Blissdom 10 - Friday Recap in Pictures

Opening Keynote - Kevin Carroll
photo courtesy of cheeriokeeper

Steps in Resigning from Adulthood

Kevin's Red Rubber Ball
You Should Know Better Full Session, speakers Susan Getgood, Liza Barry-Kessler, Kristen Berman
Notes provided here by Miranda at Keeper of the Cheerios

George Durant Makes Lunch!!!
photo courtesy of Casey at Mooshinindy

photo courtesy of Dawn MHSH

Lunch catered at Volare by Hunts
personal opportunity to meet Kevin Carroll from the keynote speech
photo courtesy of DawnMHSH

Eggplant Parmesan
photos courtesy of secretagentmama

photo courtesy of Heather Sokol

Personal Branding - Defining "You" Online
Shelly Kramer V3 Integrated Marketing @shellykramer, Liz Strauss, Successful Blog, @lizstrauss, Alli Worthington @alliworthington
photo courtesy of secretagentmama

Connecting With Your community of Readers
Connecting With Your Community of Readers Session with speakers Laurie Turk, @TipJunkie, Amy Clark, @momadvice, Stephanie Precourt, @babysteph, Mindy Roberts, @themommyblog. Notes from this session taken by Heather at

photo courtesy of Rachel at A Southern Fairytale 

Community Chest, Learning from Community Powerhouse Sites
Janice Croze @5minutesformom, Holly Hamann @hollyk, Debba Haupert, @girlfriendology, Rachael Herrscher @todaysmama, Jennifer James @mombloggersclub, Erin Kane @emkprgal

Striking a Balance - Peaceful co-existance between your online and offline life
speakers Christine Koh, @bostonmamas, Deb Rox, @debontherocks, Megan Jordan, @velveteenmind, Carmen Stacier, @mttsm. Notes from this session taken by Heather at

tweets from balance:

It's not weakness to say I can't do it all. It's real. -Carmen Stacier

Opportunity can be dangerous, it's not always The best thing . -Christine Koh

@VelveteenMind "I just-a-seconded my kids out of a whole day. Does that make me a bad mom? I think you feel me here"

RT @peapodsquadmom: i may not be on a top 50 blog list but i'm on my kids' top list. that's so much more important.

RT @MomStart: When you're on twitter, promote your friends 80% and yourself 20%, it will help you grow

RT @ExtraordMommy: "If you don't ask for help you are denying someone else an opportunity" via @velveteenmind

@VelveteenMind "not only do you not have to do it all, you probably shouldn't "

RT @DExtraordinaire: You can't say yes 2 everyone else, because it will benefit everyone else, but does nothing to help me

Harry Connick, Jr. in Concert at Fuse
you can watch his opening comments to the crowd here

photos courtesy of Heather at

photo courtesy of Dawn at MHSH

photo courtesy of secretagentmama

Tastemaker Cook-Off

photos courtesy of @secretagentmama

photos courtesy of @DExtraordinaire

Incourage Afterparty

photo courtesy of frelle


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