Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Fairy House, and an interview with Ella

This afternoon, Ella, Maddie, and their friend Brooke collected some nature items to make a fairy house.  Maddie suggested the idea, Brooke suggested the box, and Ella suggested the leaves and buttercups.

Some conversation about the contents of the fairy house:
we can use leaves for beds
we should use flowers for pillows
we put buttercup flowers as blankets
we made a bathtub with a container and filled it with clovers and flowers
we got pennies so they could wish on them and throw them in the bathtub
we could have made a stick roof but we didn't have time

Here is what Ella, age 10, hopes will happen:

"I hope that fairies will come and sleep in the beds, and in the morning they will still be sleeping so I can get a picture of real fairies!  I think they will be happy that someone cares for them and made them beds, also I think it would be embarassing if I saw a fairy naked.  A fairy in the bathtub!  She would go "aaaaah!" in her little tiny squeaky voice.  It would be cool if one of the fairies had a baby fairy.  Then I would be able to see a baby fairy!!! "


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