Friday, December 4, 2009

Blog Love Friday - Mamikaze!

 Astacia is teh awesomesauce.  I love her forthright honesty, her ready smile, her passion for her kids, and her servant heart.  She is a great encourager, she is very brave, and is stronger than she realizes. I met her at the Type A Mom Conference and saw her in action, and spoke with her in the special needs blogging session.  She is a passionate and educated advocate for herself and for her children! 

The "About" page on her blog is great, here are some highlights:

A stay-at-home mom, a self-proclaimed smart-mouthed social media addict, managing editor of Type-A Mom, as well as a college student earning a degree in digital design.  Mamikaze is a just as you guessed; a combination of Mama and Kamikaze. It describes her dive-bomber lifestyle. She has tremendous up and downs, and these mood changes prove to be excellent blog fodder. it also hones her bitchiness.

Astacia is also a diehard advocate of bloggers using Wordpress, she is an SEO nerd, and a writer for the Seattle Special Needs Examiner and Seattle Social Media Examiner.

Kelby (@typeamom) and Astacia (@mamikaze) taken at TypeAMom Conference, need to identify photographer!

Please go visit Astacia at, and if you are on twitter, she can be found at @mamikaze


mamikaze said...

Jen, you are so sweet! Thank a million for making my day brighter :)

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