Sunday, November 1, 2009

Homeschool Update

It has been a good long while since I wrote anything about our homeschool.  I hve also been remiss in writing in my homeschool blog!  Ella is on a year round schedule, being in school for 9 weeks, and then having 3 weeks off.  So the first 3 weeks in October were her weeks off.  I did not do much in the way of structured lessons during those three weeks off, but we did do things here and there a few days a week.

We decided to withdraw Annelise from her preschool, which was a big decision, as spots are limited and hard to re-enter if you change your mind.  The first reason is that she tends to sleep late.  I mean LATE.  Generally if she goes to bed between 8 and 9, she still wont get up until 9 or 10.  I think we'd have to get her to bed by 7 if we wanted her up at 8 each day to get dressed and eat breakfast before she left.  The second reason is that she is enjoying being homeschooled. She is doing well with the first grade work I am having her do with Maddie (who is the first grader), and with the work we are doing separately from Maddie.  She wants to start doing school and doesn't want to stop until she is bored or tired.. so it might be several hours!  I just try to provide as much enrichment as I can on top of the curriculum, in case she wants to go beyond that, and most days she does.  She will want to do 6 or 8 pages of math, pattern matching, or alphabet printing. 

Maddie is doing wonderfully in both math and reading, and she is also taking a science class with the neighbor up the street.  She is taking a sewing class once a week and an art class as well! 

One of my favorite homeschool websites for young children is and Annelise has been spending a lot of time there lately.  Lots of educational games!

I will try to get better about updating the homeschool website too.  It's


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